Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Public Transportation Sucks

Wake up, brush teeth, head out the door, gross orange pill under my tongue, cigarette, bus, fuck off, Curry, time check-late, "free metro", "no thanks, got a book", waiting waiting, Train rolls in, frantic seat hungry asians, read my book, hide my face under my; hood, sunglasses, and pages, Wollaston, North Quincy, the long haul to JFK where my back feels like its breaking, "two more stops Liz hang in there", "South Station change here for commuter rail and silver line", Ahhhh so close, Hike up the very steep steps because its good excercise and then curse myself for not taking the escalator, too early in the morning to be pushing my body so hard, Next set of steps I take the escalator, cigarettes and lighter ready, cold blast of air "Free Boston Now" , "No thanks, Got a book", "spare change Miss" "sorry wish I could help", three blocks to work, comfort soon, hang in there, sit at my desk and feel the awesome relief in my lower back and put the space heater on, Lunch time, no money, no shit, 5pm time to leave, blast of cold in my face, cigarette, "spare change" "im broke sorry", "Free Boston Now" I just wave my book in the face, charlie card-not enough funds, no shit, scrape together some change, train, fuck off, Quincy Center, Donuts smell so good, laugh to myself abnout how pathetic not being able to afford a donut, bus, Curry, walk up the hill in shoes that are soaked, temporary home, walk upstairs, change, lay down. Ten hours until its time to do it all over again. Fuck, my life is so repititous, if thats even a word. Just plow through the next two months and things will be better.

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